5 New best Horror audiobook in kuku fm

Are you also interested in listening to haunted stories, then for you we have brought 5 best horror audiobook stories on Kuku Fm where we will share haunted stories with all of you.

best Horror audiobook in kuku fm

There are many users who like to listen to ghostly horror stories. For such users, we can listen to special best horror stories audiobook on In Kuku Fm. We will share the story which is best and trending and the story should also be funny.

what is kuku fm

As you all know, India’s best audiobook platform is Kuku FM. On this platform, you can listen to all types of audiobooks of your choice in free and premium versions, but very less audio is available in the versions. In the premium plan, you can listen to unlimited audio.

वो रास्ता  in Hindi
Staff Pick

#1-Voh Rasta  in Hindi

Scary stories are such that we like them no matter how scary we feel while listening.
Listens  15 Lakhs
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शापित जंगल  in Hindi
Staff Pick

#2-cursed forest in Hindi

This story is about a haunted forest and many people have liked this horror story and it is a funny story.
Listens  58K
50% Off Coupon Code: BHBBP7997
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Naina in Hindi
Staff Pick

#3-Naina in Hindi

This story is about a human and a wishful cat, it is very interesting and can be a great story for you.
Listens  58K
50% Off Coupon Code: BHBBP7997
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Bargad Ka Ped in Hindi
Staff Pick

#4-Bargad Ka Ped in Hindi

This is a story about past life but this ghostly story is very best, you must listen to it once.
Listens  39Lakhs
50% Off Coupon Code: BHBBP7997
On-Going Offer
Ek Rahasyamai Yudh in Hindi
Staff Pick

#5-Ek Rahasyamai Yudh in Hindi

Amar and Vijay go in search of treasure in a forest where a palace is haunted by dark forces. Inside the palace they find a door between two periods, crossing which they reach
Listens  7Lakhs
50% Off Coupon Code: BHBBP7997
On-Going Offer

We are sharing a coupon code with you which will give you 50% instant discount and you can easily play premium audiobooks and also access upcoming content. Must use coupon code: BHBBP7997

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